Latest News on A Writtle Bit of Lard 30th September 2018

A Writtle Bit of Lard is an Essex Warriors event showcasing Two Fat Lardies rules. The event will take place on 30th September 2018 at Writtle Village Hall, The Green, Writtle Essex, CM1 3DU. There is Free parking across the road from the club

Admission is free. We are open from 9am to 5 pm for general visitors. Games will be setting up from 8.30am.

Free Tea and coffee will be available. The club will not be providing any catering services but there is a Co-op store nearby, as well as a number of pubs, cafes and restaurants.

We have invited a number of other clubs to  put on a number of  Two Fat Lardies games. Richard Clarke of TFL will grace us with his presence.

Clubs attending

Wigmore Warriors “What a Tanker” 20mm Normandy 1944

Nantwich, “What a Tanker”

Loughton Strike Force, “General D’Armee” 15mm Quatre Bras

Gravesend Wargames Club, Chain of Command, Belgium 1940

Richard Clarke, of Lardies fame: He will Surprise us on the day..

From Essex Warriors

Henry Dennis, putting on, ‘I Ain’t Been Shot Mum” 15mm WW2

Richard Lewis, ‘What A Tanker” 28mm Western Desert 1941

Tony McVaddy, “General D’Armee” 15mm Bautzen

Steve Dix, “Sharp Practice” 28mm Napoleonic

Free flat table sale: We have a stage area which we have put over the sale of private goods. This will be the sole responsibility of seller, and the club can not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage. Goods should be priced with the owner’s contact details and where to find them on the day.

We will also be taking photos and video during the day for use on our Website and Facebook pages. If you don’t want to appear on screen  please advise our camera lady.

If you want to sign up in advance for a game please e-mail  but if you just want to drop in please do and we will see if we can sort you out a game.

Above all please enjoy the day