present Hereward Wargames Show
Monthly Archives: September 2015
Hereward – a new Wargames Show at Peterborough on 1st November 2015
It’s always good to hear of a new show on the circuit.
Peterborough Wargames Club are presenting their first show, the Hereward Wargames Show, on 1st November 2015 at The Cresset, Bretton Centre, Peterborough, PE3 8DX. The show runs from 10am  to 4pm and admission costs £3 in advance or £5 on the door. Further details are available at
Essex Warriors Open Day 2015 – Update
ESSEX WARRIORS OPEN DAY is rapidly approaching and we hope to see you there. The event takes place on Sunday 27th September 2015 from 10am to 4pm at Writtle Village Hall, 18,The Green, Writtle, Essex, CM1 3DU (opposite the duck pond)
Entrance is FREE
The event will see a number of display and participation games from Essex Warriors and guests. Games will include a Lion Rampant scenario presented by SEEMS and a WW2 game presented by Wigmore Warriors. Essex Warriors are presenting a range of games ranging from a 28mm Renaissance game through a WW2 Bolt Action scenario to a Sci-Fi game, a Wrath of Kings scenario and a Malifaux game. In addition to the miniatures games there will also be a couple of  boardgames in progress. So there’s something for everyone!
Traders Andy’s Models and Games Gazette are attending, so give them a shout if you want them to bring anything special.
There will also be a Bring & Buy and a Refreshments Stall.
See the ‘How To Find Us‘ page for directions.
For the Bring & Buy, a sales form and instructions are available