Category Archives: Events

Essex Warriors Reopening on 4th July 2021 for limited numbers

Following last Monday’s government announcement extending the lockdown restrictions for a further four weeks, the Committee met to consider the implications for our planned meetings for 4th and 18th July. We have decided to go ahead with opening on those days but with limited numbers in accordance with government guidelines.

Although we normally only use the Main Hall in the summer months, we had booked both halls in anticipation of increased demand after a long absence. This means we can have up to six players in the Main Hall and up to six in the Small Hall but those groups must not mingle. Attendance at these July meetings will be restricted to members only; no visitors will be allowed. In order to manage numbers, intending players must book a table by sending Mike Fitzsimmons an email specifying the date required, the name(s)of their opponent, and the number of tables required. Attendees will of course be required to comply with all government and village hall restrictions. The full conditions of re-opening arrangements have been emailed to members today.

Hopefully we will be able to reopen fully for our August meetings, providing the government go ahead with the planned lifting of restrictions on 19th July. In the meantime we hope these limited opening arrangements will provide a welcome gaming opportunity for those members who are keen to take advantage of it.

Essex Warriors Committee

Essex Warriors at Salute 2017

The Essex Warriors ‘Battle of Prague’ game at Salute was very well received with loads of pictures and even videos taken so watch out for coverage online and in the wargaming press.

Many thanks to Rafael for organising the game and to Allan, Jason, Peter G & Les for their help in playing the game and talking to spectators all day. Also thanks to the other Warriors who dropped in on the day to lend their  support and give the main team a break.

We certainly reached a world wide audience this year with two residents of Prague who are actually re-fighting the battle on the battlefield in a couple of weeks time being very impressed. We also had visitors from Australia, Spain, USA, Colombia, France and the Netherlands to name but a few.

Essex Warriors at SELWG

Many thanks to Les, Richard and Andrew for organising the game, figures and terrain for SELWG this year. Also thanks to Peter, Jason and Richard for their help running the game on the day.

The game was well received and everyone had a good time.

Open Day Thanks

Many thanks to everyone who helped out at the Open Day this year. We would particularly like to thank Joyce, Bob and Peter Latter for their help with the canteen and those members who brought home made treats including Sue and Andrew. Thanks also to Tim, Peter Kemp and Dave for their sterling work on the Bring and Buy.

We also had some great games that showcased the club and what we can do.

Apologies if I have missed anyone out, but my thanks to all involved


Peter Grimwood

Secretary Essex Warriors

Wagram Mega Game 3rd April 2016

Wagram offers a massive Napoleonic battle in 15mm and will be our first Mega Game of the year on 3rd April. Please contact Les Mills if you are interested in playing; there are lots of roles available. The original battle was fought on 5th and 6th July 1809 and saw Napoleon take on Arch Duke Charles in a climactic battle which was a close run thing.

Due to the large size of the game there will be limited space for other games on the day ( We reckon around five other spaces for two tables). Colin has kindly offered to monitor this so please contact him in advance to make sure there is room for your game. We are trying to avoid anyone turning up for a game and being disappointed by the lack of space.

Thank you

Essex Warriors Open Day 2015 – Update

ESSEX WARRIORS OPEN DAY is rapidly approaching and we hope to see you there. The event takes place on Sunday 27th September 2015 from 10am to 4pm at Writtle Village Hall, 18,The Green, Writtle, Essex, CM1 3DU (opposite the duck pond)

Entrance is FREE

The event will see a number of display and participation games from Essex Warriors and guests. Games will include a Lion Rampant scenario presented by SEEMS and a WW2 game presented by Wigmore Warriors. Essex Warriors are presenting a range of games ranging from a 28mm Renaissance game through a WW2 Bolt Action scenario to a Sci-Fi game, a Wrath of Kings scenario and a Malifaux game. In addition to the miniatures games there will also be a couple of  boardgames in progress. So there’s something for everyone!

Traders Andy’s Models and Games Gazette are attending, so give them a shout if you want them to bring anything special.

There will also be a Bring & Buy and a Refreshments Stall.

See the ‘How To Find Us‘ page for directions.

For the Bring & Buy, a sales form and instructions are available